

What Is Loans ?

Ditch hidden fees, confusing terms and waiting around. Achieve your goals and feel in control with a ECB loan. Choose how much you want to borrow and for how long. See at a glance what you’ve paid, how much is left to pay, and how much it costs.
Choose a repayment date that suits you, and change it if you need to (there's no fee!).

Human help, when you need it most

We want you to feel comfortable telling us when something’s wrong (whether that’s struggling with your mental health, losing your job, or something else).
If you need some extra support, we’ll do everything we can to help you get back on track.
You can speak to real friendly humans over live chat through the ECB live support, or on the phone, with 24/7 support for emergencies for all customers.
We also provide tips on managing your loans and your debt on our blog.

What is an unsecured loan?

When you get an unsecured loan, you borrow money from a bank or a lender and agree to make regular payments until you’ve paid the loan back in full.
An unsecured loan (also known as a personal loan) is a loan that you can take out without putting up one of your assets (things you own like your home or car) as a way to qualify for the loan. These are called secured loans. If you don't make the payments with a secured loan (usually these are monthly), you could end up paying more in fees and additional charges. This could end up damaging your credit history.

What’s the difference between secured and unsecured loans?

If you've been looking into personal loans, you might've come across something called a secured loan too. A secured loan gets ‘secured’ against one of your assets, like your home or your car. Lenders offer secured loans so they can give people bigger loans or lend to people with less-than-perfect credit scores. To secure a loan, they'll ask you to promise something you own as a guarantee, in case you can't pay your loan back.

Responsible Lending

At Euro credit Bank we’re serious about our commitment to responsible lending.
We strive to be as responsible as possible and work hard to be completely clear and open about any charges involved with using our products, so you can make informed choices about which products are right for you. Using information provided by you and available to us, we try to lend only what we believe you can afford and offer a limit that factors in what you need and your ability to manage your repayments.

Our commitment to you is that we’ll:

  • * Provide products that address your needs
  • * Assess your ability to keep up with payments
  • * Ensure that you’re kept up to date with changes to your account
  • * Limit your borrowing in line with your repayment ability
  • * Give you the key information you need to make the right decision for you

What we need from you is to:

  • * Borrow only what you know you can comfortably pay back
  • * Provide accurate information so that checks are done correctly and swiftly
  • * Inform us of any changes that could affect your ability to repay
  • * Use our products for short term borrowing not long term borrowing
  • * Pay more than the minimum payment when possible


We offer a range of different products, with personalised limits that vary based on your individual circumstances. Each of these products is designed for a specific audience. Most of our products are intended for short term borrowing, so you should always think carefully to ensure it’s the right product for you, and look at other options for longer-term borrowing.


We take into consideration all the information we obtain from you, including how you use your account as well as the credit bureaus we work with. This allows us to ensure that we’re offering you the most realistic, practical and accurate credit limit and borrowing terms.
Additionally, if you already have an account with us, we’re able to first assess your affordability using criteria we’ve created. And, all of our products come with a cooling off period of 14 days, so if you want to change your mind, you can.

Costs and Repayments

We believe that our offers are transparent and you’ll clearly know any fees or interest that you’ll need to repay, but just to make sure we provide statements so you’re always in control and informed. If there are additional fees for going over your limit or missing a payment we’ll clearly point these out to you.


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