Business Recovery Tools

Payment Relief

More than financial support.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was swift ,had harsh economic impacts and dramatic loss of livelihood. It will take a long while for businesses to recover and get back to their feet . So, we’re here to lend our support with financial support and business recovery tools. We hope these resources help you take back control and feel inspired.


Paycheck Protection Program.

We offer loans backed by the Small Business Administration(SBA), to help keep your workforce gainfully employed during the pandemic . These loans however, are accessible to only ECB clients.

Business payment Support .

Sometimes, the best decision you can make for your businesses is to ask for help.
Contact our help center or talk to a banker about how you might be able to get some relief on your business loan or line of credit payments. Note that this service is not only available to businesses, individuals can access this aids .

Using our digital banking solutions.

It is advised to take advantage of our digital banking options to conduct everyday transactions such as checking your balance, making payments, transferring funds, earning profits and cash backs.

Financial Support


Helping you get back to business as regular

This is a tough and challenging time, especially for business owners. If your business is experiencing a downtime due to financial constraints caused by the pandemic. ECB has made provisions for payment relief for business loans and lines of credit.

When business affects your personal life

As a business owner, your financial stress at work can easily degenerate into financial stress at home. Learn more about how we can support you with personal payment relief on your credit cards, home equity loan, or mortgage.


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